
Digital logic families

Name-Sahil Kale Roll No-13  Digital Logic Families Logic Families A logic family is a collection of different integrated circuit chips that have similar input, output, and internal circuit characteristics, but they perform different logic gate functions such as AND, OR, NOT, etc. The idea is that different logic gate functions, when fabricated in the form of an integrated circuit with the same approach, or which belongs to the same logic family, will have identical electrical characteristics (electrically compatible with each other). These families may vary by speed, power consumption, cost, voltage and current levels. Classification of the digital logic family According to the components used, there are different types of logic families. Some of the logic families include Resistor-Transistor logic(RTL), Diode-Transistor logic(DTL), Transistor-transistor logic(TTL), Emitter coupled logic(ECL), PMOS, NMOS, and CMOS circuits. Bipolar Logic Family: Bipolar Logic FamilyIt mainly uses b...